For Current Grantees

As one of our community partners, you have been an amazing part of our journey. As your organization implements strategic, forward-thinking programs, we want to learn and grow with you.

Because we believe in the power of partnership, ongoing dialogue and frequent updates are critical to us. We are very interested in our investments and are eager to enhance our own knowledge by hearing our partners’ successes and challenges.

We need to hear from you if:

  • Your 501(c)3 status has been revoked, changed or is pending review
  • Your organization is dissolved, merges or consolidates with another organization
  • You would like to redirect and/or shift funds within your approved grant budget as attached to your grant agreement
  • You have remaining grant funds at the end of your grant period.
“He didn’t even tolerate good results – he wanted excellent results, and he got them, as a result, I believe, of his focus …with Roberto, you could feel the focus.”
– Warren E. Buffett, Chairman & CEO, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Member, Board of Directors, 1989-2006, The Coca-Cola Company